Virtual Reality is where education meets innovation

The XR Lab combines virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, with other cutting-edge technologies. This purpose-built facility at our University and Professional Development Centre provides you access to the next generation of innovative and immersive technologies to revolutionise your studies.

Our Vision

We aim for all our students to experience XR within your learning, ensuring you are equipped to adapt to the fast-changing technical landscape in your future career. This ensures you can be at the forefront of this emerging area and be prepared for growing business needs.

Using the XR lab facilities we aim to enrich your learning through outstanding virtual and gamified content. With industry partners we will create innovative, effective and bespoke virtual training material that will transform how knowledge, understanding and skills are acquired.


The XR Lab offers access to state of the art technology, including a fully immersive lecture theatre with wall-to-wall screens, immersive sound, video and motion capture studios. This includes:

  • Meta Quest VR Headsets offering Creative Tech students the chance to develop innovative and interactive experiences. Students from across the group can use these to supplement their learning such as immersive experiences for engineering and health and social care students.

  • Virtuix Omni treadmill simulator for virtual reality applications.

  • Teslasuit, a full body haptic feedback suit which simulates a range of real-life feelings and sensations creating an ultra-immersive VR experience, with physical feedback.

  • HaptX Gloves with advanced tech that offers high fidelity hand tracking and allows the user to feel and interact with virtual objects as if they were real. Allowing for the use of XR in training and simulation, industrial design, and robotics.

  • OptiTrack Motion Capture used to capture movements in immense detail, perfect for creating lifelike animations for film, games, and virtual reality. The system can track objects for scientific studies or analyse athletic movements, allowing for students in biomechanics, sports science, and engineering to explore real-world applications.


Our Counselling Degree students have been working on designing a counselling room using XR. This project has allowed them to consider the unique needs and behaviours of specific clients and needs of the counsellor.

Digital Creative degree students have recently undertook a substantial team-based project, taking on diverse creative or technical roles within an Agile environment. Working to develop multiplayer computer games in teams of 3 to 4 exploring the intricacies of creating, hosting, and supporting connected experiences.

Precision Racer by Alfie Wilson, Oliver Greenstreet, and Lawrence Fisher

Industry Collaboration

We offer tailored training solutions to our industry partners, allowing companies and employees to be immersed into an experiential environment where they can see, hear do, all within a safe space to make mistakes, learn and develop.

If you are interested in finding out more about the XR Lab, how we can support your business or are looking to collaborate with us get in touch at xrlab@eastrerneducationgroup.ac.uk