Our Degrees

Where industry, innovation and
education meet

All our degrees* are validated and awarded by the University of East Anglia** so that you can rest assured that your programme is of a standard with the very best traditions of UK higher education.

We are very proud of our partnership with the University of East Anglia (UEA), which is the awarding body for all our Honours students joining from September 2021. We design the experience, provide the support and develop the intellectual content of the degrees, and UEA helps us to refine what we do, as well as, ultimately, providing you with a UEA degree that will be recognised and respected the world over.

*West Suffolk College’s partnership with the University of Suffolk is currently in the process of being withdrawn, with no new recruitment to University of Suffolk validated programmes at the College beyond the 2020-21 academic year. All students who commenced their course under the awarding authority of the University of Suffolk in 2020-21 or earlier will continue to be registered with the University of Suffolk and will be taught out under the current partnership arrangement in accordance with the University’s Student Protection Plan. For further information, Click Here.

**Some of our programmes are undergoing validation. See each course page for more details. You can still apply for programmes while they are being approved.