Ellie Parker: Post Office worker delivers top marks on degree course

Award winner Ellie Parker with Dr Nikos Savvas

Award winner Ellie Parker with Dr Nikos Savvas

Ellie Parker, 21, Bury St Edmunds studied on a business and management degree and got a first class degree.

Ellie said: “I chose University Studies at West Suffolk College as I wanted to stay local – it was Bury or not at all.

“During the course we had some great guest lecturers and worked with a charity called ‘Go get Sober – helping them on a marketing project.

“The lecturers were incredible and the class sizes were relatively small (in comparison with other universities) so I think this personalised way of learning really helped me and others on the programme. I was ecstatic when I found out (I’d got a first).

“I’m currently working at a Post Office in Bury which I greatly enjoy, that said, I am looking for the next challenge in my career, where I can utilise all the skills learnt during my studies.

“Outside of work I love baking – so a dream for me would be to open up a bakery – or go on The Great British Bake Off.

“I never thought university would be for me as I’m such a home person – but I’m proud I did it and wouldn’t rule out further study in the future.

“I was recently awarded an academic excellence wward, I am incredibly proud to be awarded this by the university as I believe it has recognised my overall commitment to learning - the hard work paid off.

“It was lovely to share my graduation moment with my partner and family, I have so much to thank them for - this degree is ours. This university for me was perfect and this was a brilliant way to end the experience.”


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