Eastern Education Group CEO praises ‘remarkable resilience’ of students during degree ceremony

The prestigious St Edmundsbury Cathedral hosted the annual University Studies at West Suffolk College (USWSC) graduation ceremony on Saturday 12 October 2024.

The occasion saw over 100 graduates receive their awards in front of an audience of 400 people.

A total of 139 students graduated in a range of subjects and courses, 78 students have achieved their degree with 31 being awarded first class honours – and 61 received HND, HNC, CertHE and DipHE qualifications.

Dr Nikos Savvas DL, CEO of the Eastern Education Group Trust, comprising outstanding colleges and schools from across the Eastern region, said: “I am incredibly proud of each and every one of our students. I know that for many, the path to this moment has not been easy. They have faced challenges, setbacks, and perhaps even moments of doubt. Yet, they have demonstrated remarkable resilience and determination, pushing through every obstacle to arrive at this point. Seeing them grow into the graduates they are today gives all of us at Eastern Education Group an incredible sense of pride. They truly deserve the awards and accolades bestowed on them today.”

Laraine Moody, Group Principal University and Professional Development, at West Suffolk College said: “It was a proud moment to watch the class of 2024 come up and receive their degrees in the historic walls of St Edmundsbury Cathedral. A huge well done to everyone.”

During the ceremonies, Dr Nikos Savvas DL and the Reverend Canon Mark Haworth gave speeches.

This year’s honorary graduate was Ros Sutherland, the assistant director for inclusion at Suffolk County Council. In her acceptance speech, Ros said that ‘nothing is impossible, stick to your principles and be yourself’.

In terms of being given this award, Ros said: “I’m honoured and privileged to be recognised. I’m extremely grateful. For someone to recognise you in this way is amazing.”

And in terms of her ongoing work Ros added: “I work hard to make things better in terms of special education needs and for all young people in Suffolk. There is much work to be done -and we will keep doing it until it is better.”

The guest speaker was Richard Bridgman OBE, the chairman of Warren Services Ltd.

Dr Julia Firmin (the Eastern Education Group Academic Resources Advisor) was the master of ceremonies and Professor Simon Lancaster the Associate Dean for Learning, teaching and Quality for the Faculty of Science represented the University of East Anglia (UEA).

After the ceremony, guests and graduates mingled with staff, friends and families in the gardens of the Cathedral.

In addition to students having their academic awards conferred, four prizes were presented to students who were nominated by tutors for their outstanding achievements during their studies. The awards were as follows. Outstanding dissertation – Samantha Gibbs. Exemplary academic achievement – Chloe Rush. Academic excellence – Jessica Woolnough. Dedication to studies – Amy Pritchett.

(All higher education qualifications are accredited by UEA, University of Suffolk and Pearson).


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